Meal Train
What's Meal Train
- Meal Train is an on-line software service that allows a local Meal Train organizer to connect someone in need to volunteers to provide help. You can help a group of friends schedule times to bring meals, give rides, help with small tasks, etc. For example, someone recovering from an operation or accident might need a few weeks of help while healing up
Meal Train and Fairfield Cares
- Meal Train is a service used by Fairfield Cares. Meal Train is its own independent on-line software platform and busness. Fairfield Cares often recommends it. It's an inexpensive solution for providing help to local folks in need.
- If you want to learn how to organize a Meal Train Plus for someone you know, click the button below to see the plan most folks use.
Plan Ahead
- If you, or someone you know, may be needing help in the near future, It's a good idea to be prepared. Don't wait till the last minute. Set up the extra help you need in advance so you'll be ready.
Meal Train Limitations
- Note that Meal Train is not designed for long-term care situations or providing professional medical assistance or advice. But it's great for short term help.